In the Media
Shield system cuts operator exposure to radiation during cath lab procedures
“The use of a radiation shield system—Protego (Image Diagnostics)—could markedly cut the exposure of cath lab staff to radiation during coronary and structural heart procedures, new research suggests.” Cardiovascular News 22 March 2024
“With the use of the system, known as Protego (Image Diagnostics), a busy interventionalist could perform about 400 cases and be exposed to less than 1% of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s maximum annual allowable radiation exposure threshold.”, said David Rizik, MD (HonorHealth, Scottsdale, AZ), in his presentation.

Long Beach VA Medical Center Cath lab team without lead aprons using the Protego system (Image Diagnostics)
Article: Optimal Angiography Post PCI: Should the Guidewire Stay In or Out? Do Small Changes in Cath Lab Techniques Matter?(CathLabDigest)
Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA
Clinical Editor; Interventional Cardiologist, Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California; Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California, January 2024
Article: Radiation Doses to the Entire Catheterization Laboratory Team With a Novel Radiation Protection Device (
Malav J. Parikh MD, Lahdan Refahiyat MD, Timothy A. Joseph MD, David McNamara MD, Ryan D. Madder MD, Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 19 October 2023, 101109
Article: Comprehensive Radiation Shield Minimizes Operator Radiation Exposure and Obviates Need for Lead Aprons – Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (
Rizik, David G. MD , Robert D. Riley, MD, Robert F. Burke, MD, Sabrina R. Klassen, Ariana M. Nigoghosian, Kevin P. Gosselin, PhD, and James A. Goldstein, MD, “Comprehensive Radiation Shield Minimizes Operator Radiation Exposure and Obviates Need for Lead Aprons,” JSCAI, March 21, 2023.
Editorial: Occupationally Exposed: It Is Time to Protect Ourselves! (
Fiorilli, Paul N. MD and Andrew M. Goldsweig, MD, MS “Occupationally Exposed: It Is Time to Protect Ourselves!” ,” JSCAI, March 21, 2023.
Article: A novel comprehensive radiation shielding system eliminates the need for personal lead aprons in the catheterization laboratory
Authors: Maher Rabah, Sorcha Allen, Amr E Abbas, Simon Dixon
PMID: 36453459 DOI: 10.1002/ccd.30490
Article: SCAI Multi-Society Position Statement on Occupational Health Hazards of the Catheterization Laboratory: Shifting the Paradigm for Healthcare Workers’ Protection
Authors: Lloyd W Klein, James A Goldstein, David Haines, Charles Chambers, Roxana Mehran, Smadar Kort, C Michael Valentine, David Cox
PMID: 32273037 DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2020.02.015
Article: Occupational Health Hazards of lnterventional Cardiologists in the Current Decade: Results of the 2014 SCAI Membership Survey
Authors: Lloyd W. Klein, MD, Yolande Tra, PhD, Kirk N. Garratt MD, Wayne Powell, MPS, Georgina Lopez-Cruz, MHSA, Charles Chambers, MD, FSCAI and James A. Goldstein,* MD, FSCAIAI, On Behalf of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
Article: Radiation Exposure Among Scrub Technologists and Nurse Circulators During Cardiac Catheterization: The Impact of Accessory Lead Shields
Authors: Ryan D. Madder MD, Andrew LaCombe MD, Stacie VanOosterhout Med, Abbey Mulder BSN, RN, Matthew Elmore MA, Jessica L. Parker MS, Mark E. Jacoby MD, David Wohns MD
Abstract: Assessment of occupational dose reduction with the use of a floor-mounted mobile lead radiation protection shield
Authors: Hannah Scott, Sean Gallagher, William Abbott, and Matthew Talboy
Citation: , ,
Policy Reference: MIOSHA RSS-0037, Card Cath Protection System
Policy Name: “Cardiac Catheterization Operator Protection System in Lieu of Lead Aprons”
Author: Michigan Occupation Safety and Health Administration, Technical Services Division, Policies And Procedures, Radiation Safety Section
Date: February 7, 2021
Article: A novel catheterization laboratory radiation shielding system: Results of pre-clinical testing
Authors: Dixon, Simon R., Maher Rabah, Scott Emerson, Cheryl Schultz, Ryan D. Madder
Citation: Dixon, Simon R., et al, “A novel catheterization laboratory radiation shielding system: Results of pre-clinical testing,” Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, May 21, 2021.
Article: Economic Impacts of Radiation Exposures Associated with Interventional Fluoroscopy
Authors: Organization for Occupational Radiation Safety in Interventional Fluoroscopy (ORSIF)
Citation: ORSIF, “Economic Impacts of Radiation Exposures Associated with Interventional Fluoroscopy,”, December 2018.
Website: Organization for Occupational Radiation Safety in Interventional Fluoroscopy
Article: Tumors, Bad Backs, and Cataracts: Interventional Physicians Face a Lifetime of Risk
Authors: Michael O’Riordan
Citation: O’Riordan, Michael, “Tumors, Bad Backs, and Cataracts: Interventional Physicians Face a Lifetime of Risk,” Presentations at: International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy; February 6-10, 2016; Hollywood, FL.
Ramparts IC Articles
Article: Use of a Rampart Radiation Protection System to reduce staff dose in Cath Lab
Authors: C. Banahan, D. Keogh, E. Loughman, S. Maguire Master Private Network, Dublin, Ireland
Conclusion: “Incorrect positioning of the Rampart device lead to gaps which resulted in high instantaneous dose rate measurements. Dedicated trained Cath Lab staff would be required to ensure correct set-up between cases and for adjustments mid-procedure as required.
For this reason, we would not advise staff to use this device without lead aprons to ensure consistency in radiation protection measures during cases.”